Robust species. Plants 300–1,20 tall. Free part of leaf 80–220 x 8–12mm, green, yellowish, purplish or blackish. Spike 90–15 long, 30–100-flowered. Ovary long, green to black, appressed to stem. Flowers crowded, lightly scented, 12–16 x 7–11mm, green, yellow, brown or blackish, labellum lamina white, greenish, yellowish or mauve, callus green to purplish with pale margins. Dorsal sepal 8–10 x 3–4.5mm, incurved. Lateral sepals fused, erect behind labellum, each sepal 8–10 x 2.5mm. Petals 7–9 x 2mm, spreading to incurved. Labellum obliquely erect, recurved shallowly near middle, 8–9 x 5mm, pinched in near tip, margins wavy to crinkled, apical margins incurved. Callus broad, narrowing upwards, extending nearly to labellum apex, margins ridged or raised.
Widely distributed from coast to inland areas, growing in wide range of shrubby and forested habitats in moisture-retentive to freely draining sandy soil, loams and laterite.