Plants 200–35 tall. Free part of leaf to 200 x 3–5mm. Spike 80–12 long, 12–25-flowered. Ovary sessile, green with reddish ridges. Flowers moderately crowded, lightly scented, 10–12 x 7–10mm, light green with red to reddish markings, petals with pale margins, labellum white, pinkish or mauve, callus yellowish to green. Dorsal sepal 6.5–8.5 x 3–3.5mm, recurved. Lateral sepals free, 8–9 x 1.8mm, parallel, recurved. Petals 6.5–7 x 1.5mm, incurved to spreading. Labellum sessile, ovate-lanceolate, 6–7 x 4–4.5mm, broadest below middle, sharply recurved near middle and tapered to apex, margins mostly entire. Callus oblong, flat, deeply grooved, margins lobed, extending just beyond labellum bend then narrowed and indistinct to near labellum apex.
Known from only a single locality, growing among grass tussocks, clumps of Carex and scattered shrubs in moist to wet seepage areas and soaks along drainage lines in an open site surrounded by tall montane forest in heavy grey/brown clay loam.