Leaves opposite, clustered toward the end of the branchlets, petiolate; blades (2.8)4.5–14(25) × (2.3)3.7–9(14) cm, suborbicular to oblong or broadly elliptic, rounded or shortly acuminate at the apex, ± cuneate or slightly auriculate at the base, entire repand or occasionally denticulate, light green above, pale yellowish-green beneath, with small yellowish stellate hairs above and on the prominent venation beneath, to completely velvety tomentose beneath; nervation impressed above, prominent beneath; petiole 0.5–1(1.5) cm long, densely tomentose.
Corolla white or yellowish; tube cylindric, ± equalling the calyx or slightly longer, glabrous; limb c. 2-lipped, the lower lip 3-lobed with lobes orbicular, the median lobe slightly larger, the upper lip longer, obtuse and shortly emarginate at the apex, concave, all puberulous and with minute glandular hairs on the outside and ciliolate at the margins.
A scandent or many-stemmed shrub to c. 4 m high (or a 1–3-stemmed, laxly branched tree to 16 m tall);bark smooth, finely longitudinally fissured; indumentum of dendritically branched stellate hairs often intermixed with longer hairs in which the branches are reduced to barbs.
Inflorescences terminal (or axillary), corymbose (or paniculate), many-flowered, up to 3.5(7) × 8(12) cm, the axes yellowish ferruginous tomentose with stellate and branched hairs intermixed; bracts 3–12 mm, lanceolate; peduncles to 15 mm long, pedicels c. 1 mm long.
Calyx 2.5–3 mm long and 2.5 mm in diameter, cup-shaped with 5 short or obsolete lobes, stellate tomentose (with glandular hairs intermixed).
Older branches whitish or yellow-brown, glabrescent, leaf scars prominent; young shoots densely yellowish-rusty stellate-tomentose.
Stamens exserted from the corolla tube but shorter than the limb; filaments c. 2–4 mm long, subequal; anthers c. 0.5 mm long.
Drupes c. 4–6 mm in diameter, subglobose, gland-dotted and, when young, with gland-tipped hairs.