Perennial herb, up to 0.5 m high. Stems laxly spreading or sprawling. Leaves petiolate; blade ovate, 15-50 x 10-35 mm, base truncate, apex acute, margins crenate; petioles up to 8 mm long. Flowers: in a terminal spike; calyx accrescent in fruit; corolla 7-10 mm long, only white or with pale mauve markings; Sep.-May. Fruit dry, enclosed in calyx tube, separating into 2 pyrenes.
Perennial herb, up to 500 mm tall. Leaves ovate, 10-30 mm wide, distinctly petiolate. Fruiting calyx conspicuously inflated. Cocci not echinate, merely scrobiculate-reticulate or slightly verruculose. Flowers white with pale mauve markings.