Middle bracts 1.8–3 × 1.5–1.8 cm, obtuse, appressed-tomentose or the margins glabrescent, the hairs usually silver-brown, glabrous parts brown; inner bracts 5–6.7 × 0.6–1 cm, linear-oblanceolate, equalling the flowers, indumentum as for middle bracts, white flushed with pink.
Perianth base glabrous or with a few long brown appressed hairs on the upper part; claw with dense or rather sparse long brown appressed hairs outside; limb 14–18 mm long, villous on the 3 fused segments or glabrescent or with the dense tuft of hairs at the apex persisting.
Shrub up to 1.6 m from a rootstock with predominantly simple stems showing several bud scars at intervals (apparently flowering only after several year’s growth).
Young branches with long spreading deflexed hairs, retaining their epidermis, glabrous when older.
Heads 9 cm diameter, opening on one side first.
Flowers 5–6.7 cm long, pinkish.
Style glabrous.