Middle bracts 2.5–3.5 × 1–1.5 cm, obtuse to rounded, brownish or with pink tip, tomentose when young with brownish or greyish hairs but often glabrescent in parts, usually remaining strongly ciliate at margins; inner bracts (3)4–6.5 × 0.6–1.2 cm, like middle bracts in colour and indumentum, about equalling or slightly exceeding perianth.
Leaves 7–12 × (1.3)2–4.2(5) cm, (1.5)2–5 times as long as broad, cuneate to rounded at the base, usually rounded at the apex, pubescent with shaggy irregular appressed hairs and sometimes long straight appressed hairs intermixed, often glabrescent at maturity, with a dull leathery texture.
Virgate shrub 0.6–1.3(1.5) m high with simple stems or rarely (especially after damage) with a few branches in upper part, flowering stems mostly showing at least 2 bud scars indicating 3 year’s growth, probably with a woody rootstock.
Perianth base glabrous; claw villous outside with rusty-brown hairs, glabrous or with hairs near margin at base inside; limb 10–13(14) mm long, villous with greyish-brown hairs.
Flowers (3.5)4–5.5 cm long, white or occasionally with pink tinge at apex.
Stems subglabrous to villous when young.
Heads (6)7–9(11) cm diameter.
Style glabrous.