Developed by F.J. Vargas Garcia and M.A. Romero Romero, Centre de Mas Bove, IRTA, Reus (Tarragona), Spain. Primorsky × Cristomorto. Cross made in 1975; introd. in 1992. Nut: large; very hardshelled; shelling percentage slightly greater than 30%. Kernel: large, elliptical, and pointed; few double kernels; pellicle smooth, light brown, medium thick; high quality. Maturity medium late, early September. Bloom: late to very late. Self-incompatible; cross-fertile with Masbovera, Francoli, and Ferragnes. Origin: Tree: strong vigor; upright; slightly open structure; dense foliage; very easy to train and prune. Bears primarily on spurs; precocious. Easy to harvest and hull. Fruit: