Origin: in Durham, Calif., by S.J. Toy, Agscience Serv., Chico, Calif. Introd. in 1972. 3085; 28 Mar. 1972. Chance seedling, discovered in 1964. Nut: size medium; hull thin; shell: soft, wellsealed, shaped like Nonpareil but thicker with pronounced neck at point of attachment to pedicel; Kernel: slightly darker than Nonpareil but not as dark as Mission, averages 25 per oz, flavor sweet, 55% to 60% of nut. Tree: resembles Nonpareil; very productive; flower blooms 1 to 2 days earlier and 1 to 2 days later than Nonpareil; cross-pollinates with Nonpareil, NePlus Ultra, Peerless, Mission. and Drake. Fruit: