Origin: in Davis, Calif., by Dale E. Kester, Agr. Expt. Sta., Univ. of California. Introd. in 1983. 21-19A [Nonpareil × Al-30 (Nonpareil × Eureka)] 22-20 (Nonpareil × Al-30); cross made in 1946; selected in 1954; tested as S. 5A-20. Nut kernel large, 15 to 20 per oz 65% to 70% kernel to nut; shell thin, not well-sealed, susceptible to worm damage; matures slightly after Nonpareil. Tree: medium to round, slightly smaller than Nonpareil; produces much of crop laterally on long shoots; bears early and productive; susceptible to alternate bearing; blooms early between Ne Plus Ultra and Peerless; susceptible to brown rot (Monilinia spp.); pollinates Nonpareil, NePlus Ultra, Peerless, Mission, Merced, and Thompson; incompatible with Solano and Vesta. Fruit: