Origin: in Ripon, Calif., by U.S. Dept. of Agriculture at the John Weststeyn Ranch. Introd. in 1968. Later flowering sport of Nonpareil × 5A-3 [(Nonpareil × Jordan) × Jordanolo] × [Nonpareil × (Nonpareil × Eureka)]; cross made in 1956; seedling grown in Fresno, Calif., in plots cooperative with the Fresno State College Foundation; first fruited in 1960; selected by Robert W. Jones, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in 1960. Nut: shell soft, easily cracked; suture closed and tight, making the kernels less subject to worm damage than Nonpareil; Kernel: very similar to Nonpareil, but larger, few doubles, flavor good; ripens 10 to 14 days after Nonpareil. Tree: blooms with Nonpareil and pollinates that variety; vigorous; leaves more resistant to red spider mites than Nonpareil. Fruit: