Dark-blue-skinned, yellow-green-fleshed, freestone fruit that retain on the tree well for processing. Origin: Cornell University by J.P. Watson. Late Muscatel O.P.; selected 1970 from an original seed collection in 1958; tested as NY 58.911.1. Tree: vigor medium; cold hardy; crops heavily, requiring annual pruning once mature to reduce crop loads and encourage annual bearing; partially self-compatible, may benefit from interplanting with a pollenizer such as Damson and NY 9™; exhibits strong fruit retention, resists natural drop; readily trained for machine harvesting; fruits hold well on the tree for scheduled harvest; black knot and brown rot tolerance above average, similar to Damson. Fruit: round-oblong; ~1.9 cm wide and 2.2 cm long; 15 g; completely freestone; oblong, 1.3 cm × 1.6 cm; skin dark blue; unprocessed flesh yellow-green; neither skin nor flesh is astringent; color of cooked fruit deep, purple-red, slow to oxidize; ripens in mid-September in Geneva, NY, about a week after Stanley.