Midseason, dark red to black skin, dark red flesh, Japanese plum. Origin: Dept. Primary Industries & Forestry, Brisbane, Australia, by D.M. Russel and B. Topp. (Blackamber × Amber Jewel) × O.P.; selected 2001; tested as GB403-39. USPP 19,630; 20 Jan. 2009. Tree: medium-large, moderate vigor; semi-spreading; precocious and productive; self-infertile; anthers yellow-orange; petals white; blooms early to midseason, with Blackamber and Santa Rosa; chilling requirement about 700 h; resistant to bacterial spot. Fruit: medium to large, 60 mm diameter, 114 g; round to ovate; skin dark red to black, glabrous; flesh dark red with high anthocyanins; SS 17-21%; semi-freestone; ripens 14 d after Friar.