Origin: in Winters, Calif., by Claron O. Hesse, California Agr. Expt. Sta., Davis. Introd. in 1952. Duarte × Wickson; cross made in 1940; selected in 1943; tested as Calif. 10-29. Tree: upright-spreading; very vigorous; chilling requirement moderate; very productive; cross-fruitful with Becky Smith, Burbank, Del Norte, Elephant Heart, Flaming Delicious, Formosa, Gaviota, Red Rosa, Santa Rosa, Sharkey, Wickson; cross-unfruitful with Duarte and Eldorado; resembles Duarte in nearly all respects. Fruit: medium to large; round-ovate to nearly cordate, smooth, regular; stem length medium; skin moderately tough, crisp, dull amber green, completely covered by a dull medium to darkish-red, sometimes slightly purplish; bloom moderately heavy, gray; dots small, numerous, conspicuous; flesh bright red over amber, typical blood plum, sweet, mild, aroma pronounced like Duarte, firmmelting, meaty, nearly crisp, fine-grained, excellent; stone size medium, nearly free; shipping and dessert use; season early, coming on market with, or slightly before first shipments of Duarte in San Joaquin Valley of California; resembles Duarte.