Fresh market, firm, semi-freestone Japanese plum with dark red flesh. Origin: Sun World International, Bakersfield, CA, by T.A. Bacon. PL608YB × PL374RR; tested as PL1748RB. USPP 29,776; 30 Oct. 2018. Tree: size medium; vigor medium; growth habit spreading; very productive; bearing regular; needs thinning; flowers white, self-incompatible; requires cross-pollination; blooms 19-23 Feb. in Wasco; chilling requirement 450 h; leaf glands globose. Fruit: large, 180 g; round; symmetric or slightly asymmetric; skin dark greyed-purple becoming black covering whole surface; flesh dark red; firm; juicy; flavor mildly sweet, 17 ºBrix, Brix:acid ratio 34; aroma slight, fruity; good for fresh market and shipping; ripens with Black Splendor, 13-23 June in Wasco, CA.