Origin: in Ottawa, Ont., by M.B. Davis, Div. of Hort., Central Expt. Farm. In trod. in 1983 and named as a replacement for Burbank by G. Tehrani, Ontario Ministry of Agr. & Food, Hort. Res. Inst. of Ontario, Vineland Sta. Burbank × Wickson; cross made in 1930s; tested as Ottawa 3010. Tree: productive, precocious, vigorous with upright growth; self-unfruitful, pollinated by Burbank, Myrobalan B, Ozark Premier, and Santa Rosa. Only variety that will pollinate Ozark Premier in Ontario trials at HRIO. Fruit: medium, round; 46 mm long and 49 mm wide; skin bright red; flesh orange-yellow, quality good; clingstone; ripens about 29 Aug., with Burbank and Ozark Premier.