White-fleshed, low-acid, low-chill, semi-clingstone peach. Origin: EMBRAPA Clima Temperado, Pelotas, Brazil, by M. Bassols Raseira and B. Nakasu; Chimarrita × Flordaprince; tested in subtropical areas as Cascata 834; registered at the Ministry of Agriculture in Brazil under the National cultivar No. 25.444; protected as No. 21806.000034.2009. Tree: moderately vigorous; semi-vertical; flowers medium to large, showy, self-fertile, pink; chilling requirement 200 h; leaf glands small, reniform. Fruit: roundish; conic; greenish-cream background color covered on 50-80% with red overcolor; flesh white; semi-free stone; low acid, sweet; ripens in mid-November, a few days before Rubimel and Premier in Pelotas, Brazil.