Yellow-fleshed, firm-melting, clingstone. Origin: Wawona Packing, Cutler, CA, by T.J. Gerdts and J.K. Slaughter. J10.067 o.p.; tested as N53.015. USPP 30,540; 28 May 2019. Tree: medium to medium-large; moderately vigorous; growth habit upright; moderately dense; productive; flowers large, showy, self-fertile; chilling requirement 650 h; leaf glands small, reniform. Fruit: medium-large, 225 g; globose; uniform; red blush covers 75-95% of surface; firm; crunchy; acidic; flavor and eating qualities very good, taste balanced with sweetness and acidity, 11.5-15.5 °Brix; ripens 30 July to 12 Aug. in San Joaquin Valley, California.