Origin: in College Station. Texas, by H.H. Bowen. Texas Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1979. Fla. 5-58 × Early Amber. Seed obtained in 1966 from R.H. Sharpe and W.B. Sherman, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. Seedling planted at College Sta. in 1967; selected in 1970; tested as Al-70. Tree: very vigorous, large, upright; moderately resistant to bacterial spot. Chilling requirement 275 h. Fruit: medium to large; skin varies from 25% to 75% red blush, pubescence medium; flesh yellow with slight red next to pit, fine texture, good flavor, moderately firm; semifreestone; ripens early, in southern Texas before any other commercial variety.