Origin: in Winters, Calif., by Guy L. Philp and Claron O. Hesse, California Agr. Expt. Sta., Davis. Introd. in 1954. (Fay Elberta peach × Lippiatt seedling 29F3) o.p. selfed; cross made in 1943 by Philp; selected in 1946; since 1947 tested by Hesse, as Calif. CS-278. Tree: vigorous; good commercial crops, even after mild winters that produced some bud drop; chilling requirement more than Quetta or Stanwick, less than John Rivers or Philp; flowers abundantly, flowers showy, self-fruitful; leaf glands globose. Fruit: medium-large, 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 inches in diam.; nearly round; skin develops a high blush before maturity; flesh a bright dear yellow, pit cavity red, but color does not extend into flesh more than a fraction of an inch, firm, melting, freestone; quality very good; ripens with Quetta and Elberta peach.