Origin: in Danby, Tompkins County, N.Y., by Joseph J. Ponchalek, Ithaca, N.Y. Introd. in 1969. Plant patent 2941; 18 Nov. 1969; assigned to Stark Bros. Nurseries & Orchards Co., Louisiana, Mo. Parentage unknown; selected in 1955 from seedlings originating from a large number of peach pits planted from unknown parentage. Tree: medium large; vigorous; very hardy; productive and regular bearer; flower medium small, pale pink, blooms late in comparison with other varieties; leaf glands globose. Fruit: resembles Blake; medium large; uniform, symmetrical, broadly ovoid; skin highly colored red, very attractive, coloring about 1 week before maturity, pubescence moderate; flesh deep yellow, streaked with red near pit, moderately firm, flavor mild, quality good, freestone; ripens about the same season as Early Elberta; recommended for market, dessert, and canning.