Yellow-fleshed, non-melting, clingstone peach, for canning. Origin: University of California, Davis, by T.M. Gradziel, M.A. Thorpe, J.A. Beutel, R.E. Fenton, V. Beres, and J.F. Doyle. 11, 11-37 × Dr. Davis; tested as R, 7-5 and Early #3. USPP 13,911; 24 Jun. 2003. Tree: upright-spreading; flower non-showy; mid-season; blooms with Andross; leaf glands reniform. Fruit: free from red staining at the pit cavity; flesh bright yellow to yellow-gold; flavor, and texture rated superior to Dixon and Andross; skin less pubescent and more uniform golden-yellow color than Andross; ripens 4 d before Andross.