Origin: in Calhoun, La., by P.L. Hawthorne, W.A. Young, and J.C. Taylor, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Introd. in 1980. LS-20-18 o.p. Cross made in 1960: selected in 1964: tested as Ll-81-23. Tree: large, upright, excellent vigor, productivity outstanding; tolerant to bacteriosis (Xanthomonas pruni) and brown rot; flower nonshowy; leaf glands reniforrn; chilling requirement 550 to 660 h at 45F. Fruit: medium to large: round; equal halves: flesh yellow with red flecks throughout. firmness and texture excellent, quality good; skin 60% covered with dark red, very little pubescence; freestone; ripens late June, after Harvester.