Origin: in Calhoun, La., by P.L. Hawthorne, J.C. Taylor, AC. Metler, J.C. Metler, and R.S. Woodward, North Louisiana Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1965. Redglobe × Prairie Rose; cross made in 1958; tested as L-9-5-92. Tree: strong, vigorous; hardy; very productive; flower large; leaf glands globose; rest-period of fruit and leaf buds broken by 900 to 950 h at or below 45F; resistant to bacteriosis and brown rot. Fruit: large, up to 2 3 I 4 inches in diam.; round; halves equal; nonprominent suture; skin yellow, highly blushed, pubescence short, very attractive; flesh clear yellow, firm, texture good, quality very good, freestone; cans and freezes very well; ripens about 12 days before Elberta.