Origin: in Fort Valley, Ga., by John H. Weinberger, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Hort. Field Sta. Introd. in 1953. Sunhigh × Southland; cross made in 1945; selected in 1948; tested as USDA FV 13212. Tree: vigorous and productive; leaves and fruit subject to bacterial spot disease; flowers small petaled and self-fruitful; leaf glands reniform; outstanding characteristic is its relatively low chilling requirement, about 650 h; blooms 2 to 15 days earlier than Hiley and as much as 5 weeks earlier than Elberta at Fort Valley. Fruit: size medium; ovate; skin has a light red blush covering about half the fruit, over an attractive yellow ground color, pubescence very light; flesh yellow, firm but melting, medium textured, of good flavor, clingstone; ripens 5 to 6 weeks before Elberta; for early shipping.