Origin: in Montrose, Colo., by Corwin Palmer. Introd. in 1966. Parentage unknown. Plant patent 2665; 23 Aug. 1966; discovered 1958. Tree: medium to small; moderately vigorous; moderately productive; annual bearer; tolerant to high summer temperature and hardy to-24F; has not been afflicted by blight, mildew, or mosaic. Fruit: medium, 2 1/8 to 2 3/8 inches in diam.; oblong to roundovate; skin greenish-cream to cream-white ground cover, washed and blushed with a dull cherry red, streaked and mottled with darker oxblood red; pubescence light, giving a smooth appearance; flesh white with streaks of red close to stone, melting, juicy, sweet, texture medium to firm, flavor mild, subacid; quality as dessert or canned, good to very good; stone moderately free; ripens late August and first week of September.