Origin: in Calhoun, La., by C.E. Johnson, Louisiana Agr. Expt. Sta., Baton Rouge. Introd. in 1982. LaPremiere [Prairie Rose × (Redglobe o.p.)]. Cross made in 1971; selected in 1974; tested as L71-5-4. Tree: vigorous, productive, resistant to bacteriosis (Xanthomonas pruni); chilling requirement of 800 to 900 h; flower medium size, light-pink, nonshowy; leaf glands reniform. Fruit: large, 2 1/2 inches in diam.; round, slight point, equal halves; skin yellow, 70% red over-color, pubescence medium; flesh yellow with red flecks near pit, firm, excellent texture and quality; freestone; ripens 17-20 July, 2 to 5 days after Elberta.