Origin: in Fort Valley, Ga., by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Introd. in 1972. (Sunhigh × Southland) × Springtime. Cross made in 1958 at U.S. Hort. Field Lab., Fort Valley, Ga.; first fruited in 1961, tested as FV 9-266; selected and tested by Victor Prince. Tree: vigor moderate; productivity moderate; moderately susceptible to bacterial leaf spot; chilling requirement 650 h flower small, self-fertile, leaf glands reniform. Fruit: small to medium; round with a slight tup; skin ground color yellow, 70% covered with bright red blush, more attractive than Springcrest; pubescence fine and short; flesh yellow. Firm but melting, texture medium, flavor good; semi-freestone when fully ripe; ripens with Springcrest or 1 week before June Gold.