The first commercial flat or peento peach. Origin: New Brunswick, N.J., by L. Fredric Hough and C.H. Bailey, NJAES at Rutgers Univ. NJ602903(=Golden Globe × R1T6) × Pallas. Tested as NJF2. Introd. in 1980 by J.L. Frecon for Stark Bros. Nurseries. USPP 5123. Tree: flower; large, pink, showy. Leaf glands reniform. Spreading, vigorous, very productive tree. Chilling requirement 700 h. Tolerant to bacterial spot. Fruit: flat or peento type, medium size, covered with an attractive pinkish red color over 50% to 60% of the surface. Flesh melting, soft to moderately firm, white, freestone with small globose like seed, juicy, medium acid, excellent, aromatic flavor. Ripens with Redhaven peach.