Ovary with (4) 5 loculi, ovoid-globose, densely hirsute, narrowed into the short style; stigma capitate, slightly 4–5-lobed; loculi 5, each with 2 ovules.
Flowers unisexual, apparently dioecious but with well-developed vestiges of the opposite sex, borne in compound cymes.
Stamens 11–12; filaments connate at the base from 1/3–2/3 of their length; anthers puberulous, dorsifixed.
Fruit a loculicidal capsule with 4–5 thick woody valves bearing branched antler-like appendages outside.
Pistillode conical at base, cylindric, distally hirsute, with 3 loculi, sometimes with vestigial ovules.
Staminodes 12, filaments connate; antherodes hirsute, indehiscent, not producing pollen.
Disk annular, crenulate, fused to the base of the ovary or pistillode.
Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, leaflets entire.
Calyx cupuliform with 5 teeth, aestivation open.
Seed partly covered by a bright red aril.
Petals 5, free, imbricate.