Trees. Leaves spirally arranged, coriaceous, entire, penninerved. Flowers bisexual, born in short fascicles or panicles on the trunk. Pedicel articulated with the calyx, subtended by 2 small bracteoles. Sepals 5, connate at base, imbricate. Petals 5, linear, valvate, tips a little inflexed inside, connate into a tube in the lower ⅓−¼ caducous. Stamens 5, almost equalling the petals in length; filaments filiform, dilated towards the base and fixed there to the petals; anthers linear, subsagittate, introrse, almost basifixed. Ovary ovoid-subglobose; style filiform; stigma small, depressed-subcapitate. Drupe: exocarp thin, fleshy, early dissoluted; endocarp woody, verrucose outside, forming a pseudoseptum along the funiculus inside. Seed 1; embryo small.