Plants small, forming dense tufs, dark green to brownish. Stems 0.3-0.8 cm tall, usually branched; sclerodermis undifferentiated, sometimes the outer layer of cells smaller and somewhat thick-walled, central strand developed. Leaves spirally twisted around the stem when dry, patent to spreading when wet, ovate-lanceolate to oblong, rarely triangular, 0.7-1.6 x (0.3-)0.4-0.5 (-0.6) mm, slightly channeled near apex, unistratose to bistratose in patches, apex usually acute; margins revolute once or twice from the apex to near base, papillose-crenulate from the apex to below midleaf; costa (60-)67-110 µm wide at base, percurrent or more frequently excurrent as a mucro, 12.5-93 µm long, brownish, smooth, surface cells dorsally usually long-rectangular to linear, papillose or smooth, surface cells ventrally quadrate to rectangular,papillose, undifferentiated below the apex, in crosssection at midleaf elliptical to reniform, 4-6 guide cells in 1 layer, band of ventral stereids undifferentiated, 3-4 rows of dorsal stereids, hydroids absent, dorsal surface cells usually differentiated, smooth or sometimes papillose at the lateral, ventral surface cells quadrate to rectangular, (6.5-)9.5-13.0(-16.0) x 6.5-11.0 µm, papillose, disposed in 1 layer; upper and median juxtacostal cells quadrate-rounded to rectangular, rarely oblate, (6.5-)8.0-13.0 x 6.5-9.5(-11.0) µm, with 2-4, bifurcate papillae, 1.5-3 µm high, upper and median cells in the revolute part scarcely differentiated from juxtacostal cells, usually slightly thicker walled and with simple or bifurcate low papillae only on ventral side; marginal cells at midleaf scarcely differentiated from inner cells, rounded, not inflated, thin to slightly thick-walled, with 0-4 simple and low papillae; basal cells quadrate to rectangular or oblate, (6.5-)8.0-30.0 x (6.5-)8.0-14.5 µm, sligthly thick-walled, smooth; KOH leaf color reaction yellow to orangish yellow. Gemmae absent. Dioicous. Perigonial leaves not seen; perichaetial leaves differentiated, 1.2-1.8 x 0.6-0.8 mm, sheathing, with plane margins and smooth cells. Setae 7-19 mm long, yellowish brown to reddish, slightly twisted to the right in the upper part, sometimes very slightly to the left in lower part. Urns cylindrical to ovoid-cylindrical, 1.3-2.1 x 0.5-0.7 mm, reddish brown; exothecial cells rectangular, 32-93 x 11.0-22.5 µm, usually thin-walled; peristome 32 teeth spirally twisted usually more than 1-turn, 450-700 mm long, yellowish to orange, basal membrane 40-95 µm long; opercula conical, 0.6-1 mm Calyptrae not seen. Spores sphaerical, 11.0-14.5 µm, light brown.