Stems to 2 cm. Stem leaves ovate to ovate-deltoid, 0.7-1.2 mm, distal margins once to almost twice-revolute; apex broadly acute; costa ending in an apiculus, adaxial surface of costa at mid leaf convex, with 2-3 guide cells; distal laminal cells 10-13 µm wide, 1:1. Specialized asexual reproduction occasionally present as spheric to clavate gemmae, 40-50 µm, borne on the adaxial surface of the costa, or as rhizoid-borne brood bodies. Perichaetial leaves not or weakly differentiated. Seta 1-2 cm. Capsule 1-2 mm, peristome of 32 linear, yellow teeth, straight or twisted counterclockwise a half turn, operculum conic-rostrate. Spores yellow, essentially smooth, 8-12 µm.