Plants medium-sized, in loose cushions, green; terricolous. Stems 8-15 mm high; in section with large central strand, inner cortical cells in 3-4 rows, lax, outer cortical cells in 1-2 rows, smaller, incrassate, reddish. Leaves appressed, spirally twisted around stem dry, erect-spreading wet; broadly lanceolate to ligulate, 1.0-1.5 mm long; apex obtuse to broadly acute, mucronate; margins spirally revolute, entire, marginal cells differentiated into specialized photosynthetic region; in section juxtacostal laminal cells papillose on dorsal and ventral surfaces, cells decreasing in height toward.revolute margins; cells smooth dorsally in revolute portion, 4-6 marginal cells enclosed by spiralling leaf, enlarged, thin-walled. Costa short-excurrent to percurrent, strong to apex, 60-70 µm wide at apex, ventral superficial cells quadrate, papillose, dorsal superficial cells elongate-rectangular, incrassate, smooth; in section reniform to flattened, guide cells 4-6, large, incrassate, ventral stereid band small, 1-4 cells over central guide cells, ventral surface cells larger, thin-walled, papillose, dorsal stereid band strong, 5-6 cells thick, dorsal surface cells with strongly thickened outer walls, lumen lunate. Upper laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, with 4-6 low, O-or C-shaped papillae over lumen; marginal cells differentiated, enlarged, smooth; basal cells rectangular, smooth. Sporophyte not known.
Stems to 1.5 cm. Stem leaves ovate-ligulate to ovate-lanceolate, 1-2 mm, distal margins usually twice revolute; apex rounded-obtuse; costa ending in an apiculus or short mucro, rarely long-mucronate or short-awned, adaxial surface of costa at mid leaf concave, with (4-)6 guide cells; distal laminal cells 8-10 µm wide, 1:1. Specialized asexual reproduction absent. [Perichaetial leaves weakly differentiated, elliptical.] Sporophytes not seen.
Plants in loose cushions. Stems 8-15 mm long, central strand large. Leaves spirally twisted around stem when dry, lanceolate to ligulate, 1.0-1.5 mm long; apex obtuse to broadly acute; margins spirally revolute; costa percurrent to mucronate, with stereid bands. Upper laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, papillose; marginal cells enlarged, thin-walled, smooth. Sporophytes not known in area.