Trees or shrubs, unarmed, with simple hairs. Flowers unisexual, plants dioecious or (not usually in Australia)monoecious, axillary, cauline or ramal, solitary or many in fascicles or contracted cymes, mostly on slender pedicels, with basal and suprabasal bracts. Sepals valvate in bud, connate at base. Petals 6, valvate, in 2 strongly dissimilar series; outer petals spreading; inner petals coherent at anthesis by the margins of a rhombic or trowel-shaped blade above a narrow claw and forming a vaulted cap or dome. Male flowers: stamens c. 60 (in Australia), wedge-shaped; connective flat-topped, concealing anthers; pollen in tetrads; carpels absent. Female flowers: staminodes 6–18 (in Australia); carpels numerous; ovules few; stigma sessile, depressed-capitate with adaxial radial slit. Apocarps sessile (in Australia), indehiscent. Seeds 1-few, transverse, ellipsoidal with a medial groove.