Shrubs to 2 m tall, the ultimate branchlets slender, smooth, glabrous, drying ashen gray, the nodes well spaced, scarcely swollen. Leaves elliptic, 3.0-7.5 cm long, 1.7-2.0 cm wide, acute at the apex, acuminate, the acumen to 0.5 cm long, ultimately obtuse, acute at the base, the costa plane above and beneath, ca. 0.8 mm wide proximally, drying white above, the lateral veins ca. 8, occasionally with domatia in the axils, arcuate, uniting well below the margin to form an undulate vein, the smaller veins not visible, the margin scarcely callose, often delicately involute, thinly coriaceous, lustrous, glabrous, scarcely discolorous; petioles slender, to 1 cm long; stipules deciduous, triangular, to 3.5 mm long, obtuse. Inflorescences (in fruit) terminal, shorter than the leaves, puberulent; peduncle stiff, 1.3 cm long, slender, wiry, ca. 0.7 mm wide, terminated by 3 divergent branches to 2.3 cm long, wiry, the flowers presumably very few, di-vergent. Flowers not seen. Fruits subsessile, rotund, to 4 mm in diam., glabrous, drying black, the persistent ovarian disc often umbonate, subplane, to 1.7 mm in diam.