Trees to 4 m tall, the ultimate branchlets glabrous, the nodes well spaced, turgid with the bases of the persistent stipules. Leaves often inequilateral, elliptic, 10-15 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, deltoid toward the apex, basally acute to attenuate acute or cuneate, the costa prominulous above and beneath, the lateral veins 10-12, arcuate, the intervenal areas smooth, the ultimate venules evanescent, sub-papyraceous, concolorous, glabrous above, puberulous on the costa and with the hairs crowded in the vein axils beneath; petioles to 3.5 cm long, to 0.25 mm wide, rigid but at times reflexed; stipules connate, the sheath cup shaped, to 1 mm long, glabrous except red glandular punctate, truncate, the margin erose. Inflores-cences terminal, solitary, cymose paniculate, to 13 cm long, to 9 cm wide, the peduncle 1.5-3.5 cm long, 0.3 cm wide, twisted, glabrous, the lowermost branch-es opposite, strongly ascending, to 6 cm long, the upper branches 3-4-jugate, opposite, well spaced. Flowers with the hypanthium turbinate, 1 mm long, red when dry, the calycine cup short, turgid, to 0.5 mm long, the teeth irregular, ciliolate; corolla green, the tube cylindrical, 3.5 mm long, rigidly petaloid, glabrate outside, densely barbate near the mouth within, the lobes 5, reflexed, triangular, 3.5 mm long; stamens (4-)5, the anthers oblong, 1 mm long, obtuse, the filaments unequal; style 3 mm long, the stigmas short. Fruits not seen.