Leaf lamina 4–25 x (1.1)2–10 cm., elliptic or oblong-elliptic, acute to shortly acuminate at the apex, rounded to cuneate at the base, entirely glabrous, with narrowly hyaline, sometimes revolute margins, coriaceous, often drying the characteristic yellow of an aluminium-accumulating plant or young leaves drying purplish, often ± shining above; nodules absent; domatia present, not margined with hairs; petiole 0.5–2 cm. long, glabrous; stipules 1–1.5 cm. long, obovate, emarginate at the apex, the lobes rounded, glabrous, soon deciduous, few hairs present on nodes inside the stipules at the base.
Flowers sweet-scented, fleshy, heterostylous, 5-merous, in much-branched panicles 6–20 cm. long; peduncle 2.5–13 cm. long, glabrous; secondary branches 0.8–1.7 cm. long, glabrous; pedicels obsolete; bracts and bracteoles small with a few cilia.
Drupes red, with 2 pyrenes, 6–7 mm. in diam., subglobose or ellipsoid, glabrous, only slightly grooved even in dry state; pyrenes depressed, semi-globose, 5.5–6 x 5–5.5 x 2.2–3 mm., the dorsal face scarcely grooved.
Corolla white or ? greenish yellow, glabrous outside; tube 4–6 mm. long; lobes 2–2.5(3) x 1.2(2) mm., oblong-triangular, margined in dry state, thickened and inflexed at the apex.
Shrub or small tree 1.2–10(?12) m. tall, with glabrous stems; trunk warty and knobby, with reddish brown or brown sometimes flaking bark; crown rounded.
Seeds dark, 5 x 5 x 2.8 mm., semi-globose, ventral face rugose, dorsal face with 3 basally joined obtuse ribs and rugose; albumen strongly ruminate.
Calyx ± 1 mm. long, rounded-conic (subglobose in life), glabrous; limb 2–2.5 mm. long, cupuliform, glabrous; lobes small or obsolete.
Style 3.5–4 mm. long in short-styled flowers, 6 mm. long in long-styled flowers; stigma lobes 0.5–1 mm. long.
Stamens with filaments 2.5–3 mm. long in short-styled flowers, 0.5–1 mm. long in long-styled flowers.
A glabrous shrub or small tree up to 30 ft. high
Coriaceous reticulate-veined leaves
Fruits yellow turning red
Flowers white