Large terrestrial ferns. Rhizome short, erect, stout, scaly; scales elongate-triangular, c. 7 mm long and 2 mm wide. Fronds monomorphic. Stipe to c. 1 m long, purplish brown and scaly at the base, yellowish brown to olive-green and glabrous above. Lamina 3-or 4-pinnate-pinnatifid, broadly triangular, to c. 1 m tall, dark green above, paler beneath, herbaceous; rachis yellowish green; ultimate segments oblong, often falcate, 1.5–3 (–5) cm long, confluent into a winged axis, ± glabrous but costules on undersurface sometimes hairy; margins broadly and deeply serrate or crenate; veins anastomosing near the costules, free and once-forked near the margins. Sori ±continuous along margins and decurrent bases of ultimate segments, absent from apices; paraphyses abundant.