Plant 5–20 cm. high, simple or branched.. Leaves 0.4–2.5 cm. petiolate; blade oblong 1.3–4 cm. long, 0.4–1.5 cm. broad, rounded or subtruncate at the apex, cuneate at the base, margins undulate, thinly glandular below, glabrous above.. Flowers blue, or white suffused mauve in the throat with mauve veins and vermilion edges to the lobes.. Corolla-tube 1–1.4 cm. long, glabrous within; limb about 1 cm. diameter, lobes suborbicular about 4 mm. long and broad, not ciliate.. Filaments about 4 mm. long with a few hairs at the base.. Ovary ovoid, puberulous; disc small, unilateral; ovules 2–3 in each cell.. Fruit subconical or heart-shaped, 4-angled or very narrowly 4-winged, 1.2–1.5 cm. long, 1–1.2 cm. broad at the base, acute or sub-acute at the apex, subauriculate at the base.. Seeds elongate-ellipsoid, about 5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad.