Perennial herb, up to 20 cm high; the basal organ a short woody stem arising from a subterranean usually pyriform tuber. Leaves lanceolate, up to 6 cm long and 1.5 cm broad, usually pinnatilobed and with 5 pairs of lateral veins. Flowers red-purple; tube cylindrical, 25-50 mm long, limb 30-45 mm in diam.; lobes with darker stripes leading to the dark red throat; anterior lobe enlarged. Fruit ovate to rotund in lateral view, normally c. 18 mm long and c. 16 mm broad, but sometimes up to 22 mm long; the wings c. 3 mm broad; a separate beak not discernable. Seeds one in each loculus.
Perennial herb, up to 200 mm tall. Basal organ a short woody stem, not distinctly swollen, arising from a subterranean usually pyriform tuber. Fruit ovate to rotund in lateral view, a separate beak not discernible. Flowers red-purple, lobes with darker stripes leading to dark red throat.
A herb. It grows 20 cm tall. It has a thick fleshy stem tuber. The leaves are simple and lobed. They are 6 cm long by 1.5 cm wide. The flowers can be purple to pink. The fruit have four wings.
Fruit ovate to rotund in lateral view, normally c. 18 mm. long and c. 16 mm. broad, but sometimes up to 22 mm. long; the wings c. 3 mm. broad; a separate beak not discernable.
Flowers red-purple; tube cylindrical, 25–50 mm. long, limb 30–45 mm. in diam.; lobes with darker stripes leading to the dark red throat; anterior lobe enlarged.
Perennial herb, up to 20 cm. high; the basal organ a short woody stem arising from a subterranean usually pyriform tuber.
Leaves lanceolate, up to 6 cm. long and 1.5 cm. broad, usually pinnatilobed and with 5 pairs of lateral veins.
Seeds one in each loculus.