Woody vine, up to 8 m. Branchlets slender, minutely verrucose, the growing parts short-pubescent. Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, apex slenderly acuminate, bluntish, base narrowed, very base cordate, subcoriaceous, glabrous and smooth above (though very finely papillate under the lens), set with scattered appressed strigose hairs whose rounded bases are partly pellucid against strong light) and scabrid to the touch beneath, 6-14 by 1.5-4(-5) cm, margin ± repand with a short glandular tooth at the excurrent end of each lateral nerve, midrib and nerves prominent on both faces, the latter in 5-6 curved-ascendent and anastomosing pairs, reticulation rather lax and slightly raised on both sides; petiole usually strongly curved, glabrescent, 5-15(-30) mm. Spikes supra-axillary, slender, minutely sub-strigose-pubescent, (2-)4-8 cm; flowers scattered in the upper half or less, each flower subtended by an oblong acuminate small bracteole. Petals 4, ovate-oblong, pubescent outside, 1.5-2 mm. ♂ Flowers: Filaments very short; anther cells ovate-elliptic, hardly 0.5 mm. Rudiment of ovary hirsute, subglobose. ♀ Flowers: Staminodes minute. Ovary ellipsoid, densely pubescent, 1 mm; stigma round, truncate, minutely papillate. Drupe elliptic-oblong, laterally compressed to rather sharp edges, glabrous, yellowish or red, 1.8-3 by 1-1.5 by c. 0.8 cm; exocarp pulpy or fleshy, rather thin, wrinkled in dry fruits. Seed 1; endosperm ruminate, yellow, oily, externally deeply pitted by the protuberances on the inside of the thin endocarp.