Shrub or climber, 0.1-3.0 m high; young branches twining, with bristles. Leaves 50-100 x 25-65 mm, shape varies, those in lower part of branch 3-lobed, others ovate, margins with gland-like hairy teeth; upper surface hispid with hairs pointing to margin, lower hispid with straight hairs; petioles hairy. Male flowers in spikes, ± 50 mm long; peduncles hairy; flowers many, loose, sessile, bracteolate. Female flowers in short, few-flowered spikes; pedunculate. Fruit a drupe, ± 18 mm long, hispid, slightly compressed.
Leaves with very hairy petioles; lamina 5–10 × 2·5–6·5 cm., variable in shape, that of the leaves in the lower part of the branches clearly 3 (5 ?)-lobed, that of the others ovate to narrowly ovate; apex obtuse to acute and mucronate, margin with prominent gland-like hairy teeth, base broadly cuneate, ± rounded or rarely cordate; the upper surface sparsely hispid with appressed hairs (the smaller ones hooked) pointing mainly to the margin, the lower densely hispid with simple ± patent straight hairs.
Dioecious, roughly hairy, scandent shrub or climber. Leaves elliptic to ovate or lobed, toothed. Flowers in supra-axillary spikes, male elongate, female capitate, greenish.
Male spikes c. 5 cm. long, on hairy peduncles c. 2·5 cm. long; flowers numerous, rather loose, sessile, subtended by bracteoles.
Climber; young branches twining, densely setose with retrorse bristles; bark grey rough.
Female flowers in short, oblong or subcapitate pedunculate few-flowered spikes.
Inflorescences supra-axillary to proportionately smaller leaves.
Drupe c. 1·8 cm. long, slightly compressed, hispid.