Origin: in Geneva, N.Y., by New York State Agr. Expt. Sta. Named and introd. in 1964. Marguerite Marillat × Bartlett; selected in 1950; propagated since 1954 by the New York State Fruit Testing Assn., Geneva; tested as N.Y. 7620. Frµit: large; pyriform; skin bright yellow, slightly russeted, sometimes blushed, very attractive; flesh melting, smooth, juicy, sweet, aromatic, high quality for dessert purposes; longer storage and shelf life than Bartlett; ripens with or just after Bartlett; very well suited for the home gardener and fresh fruit market; keeps well in cold storage until December. Tree: vigorous; spreading; productive; fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) resistance similar to Bartlett; has performed well in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Ont., Canada. Fruit: