Origin: in Beltsville, Md., by U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Introd. for trial in 1960. Michigan 437 (Barseck × Bartlett) × Comice; tested as US 570. Tree: upright; moderately vigorous; bears mainly on short terminals; not highly resistant to fire blight, probably no more so than Bartlett; flowers contain moderate quantities of pollen. Recommended for trial in areas where Bartlett can be grown, as a high-quality variety ripening 2 weeks before Bartlett. Fruit: slightly smaller than Bartlett; pyriform, resembling Bartlett in shape but with a somewhat smoother surface; flesh sweet with a trace of acid, spicy, very juicy, quality very good, aromatic; almost entirely free of grit cells; ripens for prime eating in 12 to 14 days when held at 70F; ripens about 14 days earlier than Bartlett at Beltsville.