An attractive, mid-season, fresh market pear with high fire blight resistance. Origin: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ontario, by D.M. Hunter, F. Kappel, H.A. Quamme, and W.G. Bonn. Bartlett × US56112-146; crossed 1972; selected 1979; released 2002. USPP 17,843; 3 July 2007. Tree: moderate vigor; upright; conical; cold hardy to at least –29°C; annual bearing, greater fruit production than Bartlett; good fire blight resistance, similar to Kieffer and Harrow Sweet; blooms with Bartlett; sets reasonable crop of parthenocarpic fruit in absence of pollinizers; comparable quality and more attractive than Bartlett or Harrow Sweet; acceptable for commercial processing. Fruit: pyriform, symmetrical; similar to Bartlett, 84 mm long, 65 mm diam.; IPGRI shape category 5.2; skin golden-yellow, smooth with red blush and little russet; flesh white to cream color, fine texture, free of grit, mild flavor, little juice, remaining firm and crisp when ripe; matures late August to early September in Harrow, 5 d after Bartlett; can be stored 8 weeks at 1°C.