Flavorful green pyriform pear with tolerance to fire blight, scab, and psylla. Origin: Institute of Plant Breeding and Phytogenetic Resources, Naoussa, Greece, by T. Sotiropoulos, N. Koutinas, and A. Giannakoula. Kristali × Coscia. Tree: vigor medium; growth habit upright; crops heavily, thin to avoid biennial bearing; blooms with Highland and Comice; relatively tolerant to fire blight, some resistance to scab (Venturia pirina) and psylla; graft-compatible with quince. Fruit: medium-large, length 8.6 cm, diameter 7.1 cm, 162 g; pyriform; green or yellow-green; flesh firmness 4.6 kg/cm2, juicy, stone cells low; ripens with Kalliopi and Coscia; fresh market; stores ~3 months at 1 °C.