Firm green fruit with low susceptibility to scab and fruit tree canker. Origin: Van Rijn-de Bruyn, Uden, the Netherlands, selected by P. van Rihn. Triomphe de Vienne × Krier; crossed 1968, selected 2001; introd. 2008. BOPI 12/1995, Moldova. Tree: vigor medium; growth habit horizontal to upright; crops early, heavy, biennial bearing low; blooms 3-5 d before Conference; susceptibility low for pear scab, very low for fruit tree canker (Nectria galligena). Fruit: large, 250-300 g; globose; yellow-green, russet moderate; flesh very firm, can soften; texture crunchy, stone cells low; juicy, non-dripping; ~12 ºBrix; ripens 2 weeks after Conference; fresh market; stores ~3 months at 1 °C.