Attractive, large, early-season fresh-market European pear that stores well. Origin: Bologna University, Italy, by S. Musacchi, V. Ancarani, and S. Sansavini. Harvest Queen × Abate Fetel; crossed 1992; selected 2001. USPP 27,028; 9 Aug. 2016. Tree: vigor medium, growth habit semi-upright, conical; bears on 2-3-year-old wood and on 1-year shoots; blooms in midseason; yield high and constant; no evidence of biennial bearing. Fruit: medium-large, ~250 g, 102 mm long, 78 mm wide; pyriform truncate; skin green with 20-30% red-orange blush, thin, smooth; flesh white, crisp, fine, juicy; flavor good, sweet, 12.6 °Brix, quite acid; matures 15 d before Bartlett; keeps 5-6 months in cold storage.