Origin: in New Brunswick, N.J., by L. Fredric Hough and Catherine H. Bailey, New Jersey Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1968. Beierschmidt × N.J. 1. Cross made in 1950; first fruited in 1958; selected in 1958; tested as N.J. 3. Fruit. size above medium; pyriform; skin light green; flesh white, juicy, fine-grained, but not buttery, quality good; pleasant to eat as it ripens on the tree; internal breakdown observed some seasons; ripens with Clapp Favorite; the earliest ripening, good quality variety presently available with any degree of resistance to fire blight, but less resistant than Kieffer. Tree: upright; moderately strong; productive, good pollen, compatible with other varieties. Fruit: