Tree, trunk c. 50 cm ø; buttresses up to 1 m tall; bark smooth, grey, hoop-marked. Branchlets grey, glabrous, lenticellate; terminal buds ovoid-globose, c. 3 by 2 mm, densely tomentose. Leaves thick-coriaceous, ovate-elliptic, (10-)15-18(-20) by 5-9 cm; base rounded, top acute or 1-1½ cm acuminate; margin incurved, remotely serrulate in the apical half, sparsely set with stellate hairs, glaucous, above glossy, glabrous; midrib and nerves prominent beneath, impressed and obscure above; nerves 8-10 pairs, at an angle of 45-60°, parallel, arcuating towards the margin; reticulation subscalariform, distinct beneath; petiole 2-3½ cm, glabrous, terete or adaxially ± flat. Young infructescence 2-3 cm, rachis lenticellate, with 1-4 solitary young fruits. Young cupule obo-void, sericeous, 0.7-1 cm high, 0.8-1 cm ø, base attenuate; lamellae 4-8, the lower ones denticulate, the others entire; young fruits ovoid-globose, attenuate towards the conical, ringed umbo, sericeous; styles recurved, sericeous. Ripe cupule flattened cup-shaped, 0.7-1 cm high, 2 cm ø, covering 1/6-1/5 part of the fruit, base rounded; lamellae 6-8, thin, more or less free at the rim, densely tomentose. Fruit ovoid-globose, c. 2 by 2 cm, densely tomentose, top rounded, umbonate, base convex.